2015 – 2016 年度招生簡章 Registration Guidelines

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  1. 中文班:星期六上午九時至下午十二時半。國語授課,配合漢語拼音和繁體中文。依程度個別 或分小組教導,授課除採用《生活華語》教科書外,並加入富有倫理道德性的中國文學短篇或詩詞。早上設暖身及靜坐課。午餐後有歌舞或文藝(話劇、詩歌朗誦)組,歡迎同學們參加,練習出場經驗,以便在一年一度擧行的敬老節、懷少節活動時表演。
  2. 為提倡健康素食,中午金山寺供應素餐結緣。學生須同時參加金山寺上供儀式。內容為食前先供養佛、僧及法界有情,培養悲心。為衛生及環保問題,學生需每次自備餐具及水杯。

  3. 免費數學班:下午一時至二時半。為幫助 貴子弟建立良好數學基礎,現招收就讀在英文學校五年級至十年級勤奮好學學生,以期能考進優秀大學,故特聘在美數學專科畢業之經驗老師義務任教。



  1. 上午中文/佛學班: 每學期缴交者收費每名 60元;整年度缴交者為每名 100 元。
    同一家庭二個以上小孩可分兩期繳交:九月份前上學期每名缴交 50 元;一月份下學期開課前付清。
  2. 下午數學班:免費

退費:〈須填寫退費申請表〉。開學一星期前退費 100%,過後恕不退費。


辦公時間:每日上午九時至下午四時 電話︰(415) 421-6117 傳真: (415) 788-6001
通訊地址:金山寺中文學校 800 Sacramento St., San Francisco, CA 94108-2117。
支票抬頭可寫:GMM School 如有任何問題,請與金山寺學校部聯絡。

Scope of Teaching:

  1. Chinese/Buddhist Studies Class: (Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.) Mandarin is used as main dialect in teaching. The Pinyin System is used as help for learning Chinese pronunciation. We teach traditional Chinese characters. Subjects include Buddhist texts, Moral Studies, Meditation, Chinese classics as well as Chinese poetry. We start with warm-up exercise and meditation in the morning. After lunch there is an on-going chorus/dancing group as well as Literary Arts (drama or poetry recitation) group to help students to overcome stage fright. All students are welcome to participate. They will perform on once a year Honoring the Elders Day and on the Cherishing Youth Day.

    To encourage vegetarianism, lunch is served free by Gold Mountain Monastery. Participants will attend the Offering Ceremony as a practice of gratefulness and compassion. For hygienic and environmental reservation reasons, we ask our parents to send your children to school with clean food utensils and a cup or a water bottle every time when they come to school.
  2. Free Math Class: (Saturday 1:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M.): .): In order to help students to enter best national colleges, we are grateful to have a volunteer teacher who graduates in mathematics in the United States and dedicates to teaching.

Acceptance Criteria: The age limit is from five to fourteen. (Please contact the School on special situations). New students are required to have an interview with our school faculties before acceptance. Students will be assigned to appropriate groups after class starts.


  1. Buddhist Studies Class: School fees paid by semesters will be $60 per student per semester. School fees paid by the year will be $100 per student per year.
    Two or more children from the same family may pay their school fees in two installments, that is, $50 each sibling before September (Fall semester) and pay in full by January of the following year before Spring semester starts. Books are supplied by the school at about $10 each,to be collected when paying school fees.
  2. Afternoon Math Class: Free.
  3. Reduced Fees: Low-income families may apply for reduced school fees. (Chinese/Buddhist Class only). Parents or Guardians are required to fill in an application form and show a copy of last year’s tax return.

Refund Policy: (Refund request form has to be submitted.) 100% refund one week before school starts. No refund after that.

School Hours:
Saturday Morning Chinese/Buddhist Class: School starts from 9:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. Vegetarian lunch will be served free at Gold Mountain Monastery’s expenses as an act of generosity. We ask the cooperation of parents to pick up their children after 12:30 P.M. and before 1:15 P.M.
Afternoon Math Class: Class starts from 1:00 P.M. to 2:30 P.M. We ask parents to pick up their children before 3:00 P.M.

School Administration Office and Office Hours:
Office opens daily from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Telephone: (415) 421-6117 Fax: (415) 788-6001
Mailing Address: GMM School, 800 Sacramento Street, San Francisco, CA 94108-2117
Make checks payable to: GMM School. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions.