新舊生註冊表 New Student Enrollment Form
為加強校方對學生放學時離校之適當管理,特請家長明示 貴子弟離校方式。請填寫I. 或 II. 項,簽名及寫上日期後,交回校務處。
I. 我本人或親友將會依時到校接孩子放學。
學生一姓名:__________ 學生二姓名:________ 學生三姓名:_________
家長/監護人姓名:______ 與學生之關係: ______ 聯絡電話:__________
親友一姓名:_____________ 親友二姓名:_______________________
家長/監護人簽署 ________________簽署日期:__________________
II. 我準許孩子於放學後自己離校。
學生一姓名:__________ 學生二姓名:_________ 學生三姓名:________
家長/監護人姓名:______ 與學生之關係: _______ 聯絡電話:_________
家長/監護人簽署 _______________簽署日期:___________________
Permission for Students to Leave by Themselves After School
In order for the School to manage better when students leave at the end of school, we would like parents inform us their plans. Please indicate either I. or II. below with an “X” in the appropriate bracket, sign and date, and return the completed form to the School Administration Office.
Buddhist Studies including lunch ends at 12:30 P.M. Art Class ends at 2:00 P.M. We earnestly request parents or guardians to pick up their children within half hour after school.
I. 〔〕I, the undersigned, my relative/friend, or myself will pick up my children after school.
II. 〔〕I give my child permission to leave school by himself/herself after school ends.
Name of Students: _____________________________________
Name of parent or guardian__________ Relationship with student ____________
Name of relatives/friends who may pick up students:_______________________
Contact telephone number with area code: (_______)_______________________
Signature of parent or guardian_______________Date signed __________