七日線上淨土共修 8/1 ~ 8/7/2021

金山聖寺 七日線上淨土共修
GMM 7-day Live-Streaming Pure Land Practice

儀軌 Ritual:
蓮池讚、阿彌陀經、彌陀讚 、念佛、大迴向(跑西方)、迴向全球息災疫。
Lotus Pool Praise, Amitabha Sutra, Amitabha Praise, Reciting Buddha’s name, Great Transference of Merit (Running to the Western Pure Land) & Dedication for quelling global disasters and epidemics.

太平洋時間 Pacific Time:
2021-8-1 (週日 Sunday) – 2021-8-7 (週六 Saturday)
晚上 7:15pm – 9:00pm

北京/馬來西亞時間 Beijing/Malaysia Time:
2021-8-2 (週一 Monday) – 2021-8-8 (週日 Sunday)
早上 10:15 am – 12:00 noon

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Youtube Link:

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