2024 地藏法會 & 盂蘭盆法會 Earth Store Sutra Recitation & Celebration of Ullambana

金山聖寺 地藏法會 & 盂蘭盆法會 GMM Earth Store Sutra Recitation & Celebration of Ullambana

Earth Store Sutra Recitation
8/11/2024 – 8/17/2024
1pm – 3:30pm 誦地藏經
Celebration of Ullambana (Actual day)
8/18/2024(Sunday 星期日)
9am – 10am 誦盂蘭盆經
1pm – 3:30pm 誦地藏讖

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 833 6156 7743
Passcode: 6117

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